Tuesday, January 9, 2018

What Causes Grey Hair?

Pluck one grey hair, and two more grow! This is actually untrue - along with the much-believed falsehood that grey hair is caused by stress or trauma. By age 50, most people have a significant amount of beautiful grey hair. But what causes this?
Actually, hair begins as white - and then melanocytes, the cells in hair follicles, generate the pigment melanin, which gives color to hair. The more melanin, the darker the hair. The less melanin, the lighter the hair. In youth, the melanocyte cells continue their jobs, giving color to our hair. Overtime, however, the cells begin to conk out and stop producing the pigments, which leads to grey hair. Graying usually begins at the temples, and then slowly moves from front to back.
Generally, the time one begins to go grey is determined by genetics. However, other factors can cause grey hair, and even a premature onset of graying.
One common factor is Vitamin B12 deficiency, also known as pernicious anemia. Our hair follicles actually require Vitamin B12, because without it, they are deprived of oxygen-rich blood, as Vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of healthy red-blood cells. To avoid this, make sure to consume Vitamin B12-rich foods daily, such as cheese, eggs, and shellfish.
An overactive or underactive thyroid gland can also result in premature grey hair. This is because the thyroid gland affects the functioning of the activities of the pigment-producing melanocytes. Experts advise those under the age of 30 who have a lot of grey hair to get their thyroid activity checked by a medical professional.
A condition known as Vitiligo can also cause pre-mature graying. This auto-immune disease occurs when the melanocyte cells are destroyed, resulting in de-pigmented areas on the skin and premature grey hair.
Smoking tobacco products may also contribute to the premature graying of hair. Smokers are found to be four times more likely to have grey hair. According to Ralph M. Trueb, skin specialist, the chemicals in smoke may damage the DNA in hair follicle cells and constrict blood vessels that supply the follicles.
Also, according to Harvard Scientists, the failure of melanocyte stem cells to maintain the production of melanocytes could cause the graying of hair.
Nichol Clark, hairstylist at Mockingbird Salon in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, also indicated one other reason for grey hair. 'If there is a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the body, that can also cause grays,' said Clark.
Statistically, the chances of going grey increases 10-20% every decade after 30 years. Biological sex may determine the onset of grays for some, as it is said that men typically go grey by the age of 30, while women tend to go grey by the age of 35. Race and ethnicity may also play a part as it is said that those of European or Middle Eastern ancestry tend to go grey before those with African or Asian ancestry.
Some wrongfully say that a career in politics causes grey hair. For instance, onlookers often blame the graying of American presidents' hair on their stressful jobs in office. However, what is actually happening is the president has finally reached the age when hair would typically grey, with the heavy stress job being a mere coincidence. For instance, President Obama, at age 47, is finally ripe for grays. This further dismantles the 'grey hair is a sign of stress or trauma' folktale.
Many of these fore-mentioned factors do make the onset of grey hair seem connected to unfortunate circumstances of disease, toxins, or deficiencies. Whatever reason brings on the grey, it is a lucky bag of silver for those who get to sport it, and should be treated with the utmost respect with hair products made specifically with grey glory in mind.
Debrah Morkun is a writer, poet, and certified yoga instructor. She began going grey at the age of 17, and was excited by this sign of wisdom. She happily lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Visit http://www.gutzygray.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7824173

Easy Things We Can Do to Maintain Strength As We Age

Keeping our bodies fit as we age is something just about all of us wish for, but the percentage of people who actually accomplish it as they get into their 70's and 80's is quite small. Life expectancy in countries such as Japan, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden and Israel is markedly higher than in countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, and health care and diet certainly play a part. But those countries where people live longer also have a culture of being physically active, be it simply getting out and walking.
We have all known people who have been in top physical shape, but when they become elderly have an accident causing them to be bed-ridden for a while. After a period of activity they never are able to recover physically. We might attribute it to the natural aging process, but fairly recent testing has shown there is a lot more going on.
Tests on astronauts when in a gravity-free environment are quite revealing. It has been established that there is close to a ten times acceleration in the aging process as opposed to living in Earth's gravity. This is measured in bone and muscle loss.
Obviously these astronauts are in peak physical condition, and diet should not factor in. The only difference is lack of physical activity on a moment-to-moment basis, and without this resistance to gravity that we normally endure we begin to physically deteriorate.
This relates to people who are bed-ridden, and can further be implied to those who sit in a chair in front of a computer for hours at a time. What all this means is our lifestyle determines how quickly our bodies will age. And understanding that gravity plays a key role in our physiological functioning and therefore in how we age, making simple adjustments in our movements throughout the day will have a major impact.
The function of lipoprotein lipase in our system is to facilitate fat to move from the bloodstream into our cells. This fat uptake means our cells will be consuming this fat. Lipoprotein lipase it has been found is dramatically reduced during activity and just by standing from a seated position will increase from this activity. In other words, a lot of calories aren't burned in the process of standing, but you are helping your body burn fat for fuel.
An exercise routine is important, and everyone should make them part of their lifestyle. But these non-exercise activities are also important for burning fat and keeping us young. To make the point further, it was found that standing up from a sitting position had more of an effect on cardiovascular and metabolic changes than walking on a treadmill for 15 minutes. Also, the stimulus of standing from a sitting position must be spread through the course of a day. Said another way, it is more effective to space out regular standing and sitting throughout the day rather than doing all of them at once, then plop down for the rest of the day.
There are many things we can do to help us become healthier and to age better, and diet is certainly a big part of it. Seniors are now getting more into yoga and other exercises such as Pilates to keep young. Rich Carroll is a writer and avid health advocate now living in Chicago.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7832894

Oxidative Stress - Should Everyone Control Their Oxidative Stress?

This is a preview on oxidative stress and why you should care. For the people who are not familiar with oxidative stress, this is the Wikipedia definition:
'Oxidative Stress represents an imbalance between the systemic manifestation of reactive oxygen species and a biological system's ability to, readily detoxify the reactive intermediates or to repair the resulting damage. Disturbances in the normal redox (shorthand for reduction-oxidation reaction) state of cells can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. Further, some reactive oxidative species act as cellular messengers in redox signaling. Thus, oxidative stress can cause disruptions in normal mechanisms of cellular signaling'. Increasing levels oxidative stress in our bodies leads not only to malfunction and disease but is bio-chemically the reason we age.
Some people might still be thinking. After all that being said still what is it and why would it pertain to me? Maybe, I am in excellent health, and I feel OK, this must be about other people. I am here to tell everyone oxidative stress affects us all. We all have it and our levels increase with age. Simply put oxidative stress is damage to our bodies cells when free radicals (toxic waste) have been released into the cells due to the energy needed for bodily activity. Oxidative stress is like an engine rusting from the inside out.
To make sure everyone gets the full picture of this massive problem, that affects everyone, I will give you a simplified explanation of free radicals. Free radicals attack our bodies at a cellular level. They are bi-products of living and the levels can vary because of our environment. The air we breathe, food and drinks we consume, activities we participate in, even the way we feel can also change their levels. To obtain the energy a body needs to operate the cells burn what we consume and the air we breathe, then release toxic chemical inside the cell; those bi-products are known as free radicals. They react with all the components of the cells literally bombarding them millions of times per second damaging all our cells and even our DNA, which can cause mutations of the cells. One fascinating fact is the average person has 300 septillion ('that is a three with twenty-seven zeros behind it') free radical in our cells on a daily basis. Again, this leads to malfunction, disease and an increased rate of the aging process.
The truth is oxidative stress is at the center of over 200 diseases. All the way from the feelings of Stress, Anxiety and Depression to High blood pressure and sugar disorders like Diabetes which can culminate with problems like Heart disease, Strokes, Cancer, Melanoma and Alzheimer's.
Most people in the medical field think the best way to control oxidative stress by consuming anti-oxidants. Things like vitamin A, C, E, and or a multi-vitamin with minerals are believed to fight the free radicals in your body. Along with these vitamins they recommend a well balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables. This theory of the fight against oxidative stress has some serious issues with maximizing your body's defense through the use of these anti-oxidants.
This consensus for controlling oxidative stress is a direct method approach. This method is like fighting a forest fire with a garden hose. These anti-oxidants can only eliminate one free radical for every molecule you consume. Also, by consuming the anti-oxidants some of the molecules turn into free radicals. Another issue with the direct method is the number fruits and vegetables that are processed by 'Green Harvesting'. This process is just what it sounds like. The basic version is the produce is harvested before being ripen. Plants do not release the nutrients that nature intended until the ripening process; therefore we do not receive the nutrients we paid for and need. The direct method of combating oxidative stress is not the best approach for substantially reducing this problem.
I have found the best way to protect our bodies against oxidative stress is an indirect method. This method is extremely complex; so I will try to simplify it, due to time; therefore, I will not be able to explain all the terms. The indirect method is accomplished through an activator, which communicates with the cell, instructing them to do what they are already designed to do. The molecule enters the cell nucleus and up-regulates the cell's survival genes; allowing them to survive the bombardment of free radicals that cause the oxidative stress and other oxidation. Also, it down regulates other genes to help the body function at an optimal level. This method eliminates free radicals at a rate of one million per molecule consumed, every second lasting for 14 days.
Oxidative stress cannot be eliminated, but it can be significantly reduced. There are only two products known that work via the indirect method. One is a synthetic product made by a pharmaceutical company that cost over $50,000 per year. The second company's product; created out of five natural ingredients which becomes synergized do to the patent protected formula. The cost for this product is about $600 per year. By the way, the pharmaceutical company's report on their product says the natural product works by at least 20%. One secret about using the direct method of combating oxidative stress is to match the indirect method a person would have to consume daily: 376 oranges, or 15 pounds of blueberries, or drink 87 glasses of wine. Good luck! With trying that method.
To live a healthier life, everyone should do all they can, to reduce oxidative stress and share this information with their family and friends.
If you would like more information on how to maximize your reduction of oxidative stress, slowing your aging process with natural products click: Ageless
William Peterson is an entrepreneur that has started different companies. He has grown a company to over 30 million in revenue per year. He now helps people by working with them on how to change their lifestyle through entrepreneurship and mentoring, and also to improve their health. His life goal is to share his knowledge about healing illness with as many people as possible and to build a team of professionals with the same goal. Find out more by going to: http://www.whoisbillpeterson.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7785042

What Can You Do About Existing Forehead Fine Lines?

Fine lines are a normal part of aging, but let's face it - plenty of us started to experience forehead creases before aging was even a consideration. Some people start to notice them in their teenage years, while others don't start to see them until their late 30s or early 40s. Whether or not the lines appear in the first place depends on a lot of factors (your sun exposure, smoking habits, stress levels, etc.), but since so many people already suffer from these lines, instead of talking prevention we'll focus on what you can do to reduce the appearance if you've already got those forehead creases.
Depending on your age, you may be open to considering a mild form of cosmetic surgery, such as Botox injections. Botox can be injected in small or large quantities in specified areas to relieve the appearance of fine lines and small wrinkles. The botulinum toxin causes the underlying muscle to freeze so lines can't continue to worsen. While plastic surgery options are effective, they are not permanent and can be costly. This option is not necessarily appropriate for the extremely young, either.
Similarly, another option is to avoid stress and worrying, and try not to raise your eyebrows. This is difficult if you have an expressive face, but fine lines can't form if you don't allow the muscle to move. However, an easier solution is to apply natural anti aging creams to your fine lines. A natural anti aging cream used on your forehead will not only prevent future wrinkles and lines, but it will also help 'fill' the existing lines so they're less noticeable. The hydration in a younger looking skin cream plumps up the skin's cells and makes them fuller and healthier.
If your forehead creases are fairly deep, you may have to visit a spa or dermatologist in addition to utilizing your daily natural anti aging cream. These professional skincare specialists can help you determine what you may need in order to reduce wrinkles and lines. Some popular options are hydrating facials and clay masks; the experience of going to the spa for these treatments is also a means of relaxation, which helps. However, deep lines may require some help from a stronger treatment, such as a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. These options should only be performed by a certified dermatologist or skincare spa, and never done at home, as they can cause damage or tears to your delicate skin.
Whether you choose to go down the road of cosmetic surgery, the day spa or natural anti aging creams, fine forehead lines can be a thing of the past if you continue to treat them with care.
Anti winkle creams provide the ultimate aging solutions by natural anti-aging creams. Wrinkle-less Cream provides cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery services for people to look young forever. Our services are affordable.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7836516

How To Stay Mentally Sharp When You're Older

Research reveals that, on average, we will have lost up to thirty percent of our brainpower the moment we turn forty years old, and about 50% when we turn 50 years old. This explains why numerous older individuals have problems remembering or focusing. The good thing is that scientists have discovered that the brain has an astonishing capability to adapt even into senior years. With the proper stimulation, you can preserve and increase your mental sharpness as you grow older. Here are some things you can do to ensure optimum brain health and function even when you're older.
Exercise often
We've known for several years that exercising can help uskeep our physical health and add years to our life. Apparently, it can also help boost mental sharpness. Physical activity, specifically continuous aerobic exercises which include running, cycling and swimming, increases oxygen and nutrient delivery to the brain. It also decreases your risk of developing disorders that can cause memory loss, for instance diabetes. Physical exercise can also increase the beneficial and protective effects of certain brain chemicals.
Get sufficient sleep
When you are sleep deprived, your mental performance suffers. You feel easily exhausted and feel detached even. Your productivity is impacted adversely as your brain finds it difficult to concentrate and solve problems. Sleep is essential in memory since it is in the deepest stages of sleep when memory consolidation takes place.
Stress can wreck havoc to your brain. As time passes, if not handled effectively, stress can harm brain cells and damage the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain linked to memory. Exercise is an excellent way to deal with stress, and so is meditation. Meditating on a regular basis is said to promote the development of connections between brain cells, which in turn improves mental sharpness and memory.
Exercise your brain
The more you work out your brain, the better its processing and memory storing ability will be. To help you keep your brain in great shape as you age, it is vital that you not only work it out with mentally-demanding activities, but also to challenge and excite it by doing brain exercises that are not familiar from time to time.
Buy supplements
Supplements like Procera AVH are said to restore the mental sharpness you had several years ago. You may be asking - what is Procera AVH? This supplement contains a proprietary blend of acetyl-L-carnitine, vinpocetine, and huperzine A, and these are recognized to be effective against age-related memory loss.
Memory and brainpower is said to decrease with age If you want more information about what is procera avh and how to stay mentally sharp when you are older, please follow here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7834315

Top 3 Signs of Aging

Women, especially as they get older, are conscious of the signs of aging. It is no secret that women are the main consumers of skin care products, to slow down their aging looks . If you would like to know what are the most common signs you need to watch out for, check out this post.
What Signs of Aging Are Visible?
  1. Thinning hair. If you think only men are prone to this problem, think again. Even women have thinning hair problems. This is one of the most common signs of aging that you should try to solve, if you want to keep yourself looking good. Go and check with your doctor so he can recommend a product that can work best against a potential balding head.

  2. Wrinkled knees, elbows, and forehead. Perhaps, these are the most noticeable signs of aging that you should watch out for. They cannot be hidden and are very obvious. If you want to avoid having this problem, you should take care of your skin early in life by applying products that contain collagen, lanolin, and Shea butter. There are many products on the market today that contain these active ingredients.

  3. Turkey neck, also known as a wattle, is a common problem among women who are aging fast. This is one of the reasons they consult a dermatologist or a skin care expert to try to help them solve the problem. Some women resort to surgical operations and even go abroad to have this cosmetic surgery. There is a more affordable alternative which can also help you solve the problem. You need to moisturise your skin daily and there are neck creams, face creams and body creams that are now on the market that contain domestica fruit cell structure, Shea butter, and Hyaluronic Acid. These are effective ingredients that you can depend on to reduce wrinkles.
Aging cannot be prevented, bur we all want to look our best and there are ways to slow down the visual signs. Of course, no one can stay young forever, but there are certain things you can do, to keep yourself looking younger for longer. Do not be afraid to look in the mirror. Undoubtedly, there are specific products, primarily face and neck creams that you can use to avoid these aging signs. Watch out for more signs of aging today and make sure to apply products to avoid its early effects.
We all want to look as good as we possibly can. We still feel young despite the wrinkles and want to look accordingly by using neck cream. For more information on skincare and neck creams please visit http://www.neckcream.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7838917

Important Message If You Want to Live Longer

Wow! What a weekend we're in for. There's Wimbledon, the decider between the British and Irish Lions and the Wallabies, and the Tour de France gets down to business after sight-seeing around Corsica. Add to this sporting extravaganza your own list of things you'll be looking forward to, and we're in for a grand time. It's not only that Wimbledon is one of the world's number one tennis tournaments but it's also the oldest (first held in 1877). The Lion's-Wallabies Test promises to be sensational, although you never know with 'the game played in Heaven'. And the Tour will ensure that sleep will be the only thing missing over this weekend of sport.
Too bad if you're not into sport, or you're reading this after you know the results of the tennis and the Test. Just make sure that you replace these events with others.
Having something to look forward to is an important part of living a longer, better life. It's more than 10 years since The Berlin Aging Study, but one of its major findings is just as current, and relevant, as it was back then. The Study identified that one key characteristic of people who lived to be 100 was that they had some reason to get up the next day-and the next-and the next. And that something to look forward to need not be major, life-changing events. So, if tennis, Rugby, or cycling are not your 'cups of tea', make sure you choose something else that is. As long as the event has meaning for you (and doesn't harm anyone else, of course), that's all that matters. A holiday, a family outing, a night out, gardening, hugging the grandkids, all qualify: what gets the hunger-juices going for one person might mean nothing to another.
Keep in mind that no one can tell you what specifically should appear on your radar screen of big-deal events: what you should be looking forward to. In a world where many are eager to take control of your life (drive your bus, if you like), only you can decide what's of value to you. History and the media relates some great examples of the importance of having something to look forward to. Researchers are now confirming what Viktor Frankl observed in the Death Camps of World War II: that death rates decreased leading up to a major event (like Christmas) and increased after that event when the hoped-for change did not occur. Having something to look forward to is life-changing.
The challenge for you is not only to ensure you have something to look forward to but to also replace that 'something' after the event has passed. For us sports-lovers, after Wimbledon there'll be the US Open and pretty soon we'll be back enjoying the Super XV Rugby. And there'll be other cycling events to follow.
Sam Walton, of Walmart fame, reminded us that it's not what you drive, but what drives you that counts. Always having something to look forward to helps to provide that drive.
Dr Neil Flanagan is a keynote and conference speaker. You can comment on any item in this article and download a free copy of his bestselling book BLINK! The Speed of Life (How to add years to your life and life to your years) when you visit http://www.neil.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7839218

Botox and Juvederm Are Safe, Non-Surgical Wrinkle Fillers

The cosmetics industry treats wrinkle fillers like mousetraps: it's all about who can 'build' a better one. The market is inundated with creams and roll-on sticks - even sleeping masks have gotten in on the action. But because there are so many over-the-counter wrinkle fillers out there, a lot of people are convinced that the next step has to be surgery. Luckily, there are other options.
Botox and Juvederm injections are non-surgical alternatives to all those creams on the shelves. When administered by a trained Juvederm or Botox doctor, they offer longer-lasting results in a perfectly safe environment. In some cases, Botox cosmetic injections last up to four months. Juvederm injections may last up to one year.
Choosing a Botox Doctor
Once you've decided you want to try a Botox or Juvederm injection for your wrinkles, it's time to do some research into the right practitioner. The injections can be administered by a licensed Botox doctor as part of any cosmetic procedure. You can also ask your dentist about an injection for your wrinkles: he or she already knows your face well, and can make a recommendation for whether Botox or Juvederm is the better choice for your needs.
How Cosmetic Injections Work
Television and movies have had a lot of fun at the expense of cosmetic injections. But the stereotype of the person who cannot move his or her face isn't true at all. In fact, the 'plastic' looking faces you see on TV are most likely a product of a surgical procedure - not the work of a licensed Botox doctor.
When you get an injection for your wrinkles, you can request a numbing cream or spray to minimize any discomfort. The doctor will then make a series of tiny injections into the skin or muscles, depending on which is best for you. Botox and Juvederm work as wrinkle fillers because they relax the muscles in your face, which cause those wrinkles in the first place.
Eliminating Wrinkles is Only One of Many Uses
Many people believe that Botox and Juvederm are only wrinkle fillers - but that's not the case. More than 11 million people have seen a Botox doctor to help with:
• Easing the pain of chronic migraines
• Repositioning a 'lazy' eye
• Putting an end to involuntary muscle contractions, like those caused by cerebral palsy
• Overly active bladders or sweat glands
The Differences between Botox and Juvederm
Because Botox is derived from the botulinum toxin, people are often nervous about using it as part of their cosmetic injections. But Botox is a perfectly safe medication causing few side effects when administered correctly by a doctor or licensed professional. It's no more dangerous than eating an apple seed, which has trace amounts of arsenic in it.
For those seeking an alternative, there's Juvederm. Juvederm is a gel used in cosmetic injections in the lips or around the nose. It's made of hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in your skin. Like Botox, it serves to fill in small lines and wrinkles. It can also be used as an alternative to collagen treatments (to plump up lips), or to fill in facial scarring. Unlike Botox, which works by relaxing the muscles, Juvederm fills in the tissues in your face.
Dr. Goldberg of Howell Dental Associates received his D.D.S. from University of Maryland at Baltimore. He is a member of the American Dental Association, the New Jersey Dental Association, the Jersey Coast Dental Forum, and the Seattle Study Club. His pursuit of continuing education annually exceeds state requirements including the Mid-Atlantic Dental Implant Center and a 2003-2004 Residency in Implant Prosthetics.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7840822

Simple And Effective Methods To Remove Wrinkles Around Your Eyes

As you grow older, you would begin to notice that wrinkles and puffy bags would begin to appear around your eyes. This is usually one of the natural signs of aging that show up as we grow older. However in so many cases, these things appear quicker than we expect them to and can cause us unnecessary worries about our appearance. There are some important proteins that your body produces naturally in order to keep your skin layers firm, soft and supple.
I am sure you already know what these proteins are, they are Collagen and Elastin. The sad truth is that as you grow older, the amount of Collagen and Elastin that your body produces gradually begins to reduce. And because of how important these proteins work in supporting the connective tissue network and how they fill in the skin, a reduced amount of these proteins on your skin shows itself as wrinkles which gradually appear. So if you want to remove these eye wrinkles, puffy eye bags then you need to make use of a natural technique that can help in increasing the amount of these important skin proteins.
There are different natural solutions that you can make use of to rejuvenate and protect the layers of the skin. Using holistic remedies are one of the best solutions that you can employ to remove eye wrinkles. Have you heard of facial exercises? Just recently exercises that target the facial muscles have become quite popular among women and have been proven by thousands of people to be very effective when combined with other natural remedies. There are a few exercises that specially target the areas around the eyes so that wrinkles become smoothen out. An example is: putting your fingers under your eyebrows and then pushing them up and down firmly and gently on your eyes really helps in reducing the water that has built up into the puffy bags that are under your eyes. You have got to do this particular exercises a few times and you should maintain the pressure for just 5 seconds only.
Another natural way to reduce the amount of eye wrinkles on your skin is by reducing the amount of damage that your skin is currently being exposed to. There are a few environmental factors like: the UV rays of the sun, wind, air pollution etc that cause serious damage on your skin. As from now, if you are going to spend more than 20 minutes under the sun, then your need to wear a good quality UV sunglasses. This is so that you can protect the very sensitive skin around your eyes from UV radiation. You should also use a sunscreen cream with a high protection factor on the skin around your eyes (a natural sunscreen that I recommend is Argan oil) to also help protect that area from the damaging UV rays that emanate from the sun. The sun dries out your skin and the Ultraviolet rays promote premature aging which is what results in the wrinkles on your face and most especially around your eyes.
Eating well balanced diet regularly is also very important if you want to improve the health of your skin. When I say a well balanced diet I am also referring to one that contains lots and lots of antioxidants. This is very important if you want to prevent more wrinkles from forming and you want to keep your skin soft, supple and firm. I am sure you must have heard about free radical damage. These free radicals are like toxins that can speed up the aging process. However antioxidants are the only way to correct the damage done by free radicals and even prevent any future damage from occurring.
You can include lots of antioxidants in your diet by eating a lot of fruits, fresh vegetables and whole grain foods. If you are like me that does not really fancy eating much please go for daily supplements that contain all the antioxidants that your body needs to fight free radicals.
Your skin also needs to stay hydrated if it is going to be free of wrinkles. And the only way to do this is to drink lots of water daily (you have got to take a minimum of 8 tall glasses of water daily) and you should apply a moisturizer on your face at least twice in a day.
There are even more natural remedies that are available to you if you are really determined about removing those wrinkles that are around your eyes. An example is the tropical fruit coconut - in this case it is the oil that you would be using. Coconut oil is a very effective anti-wrinkle remedy that you can massage around your eyes in order to lubricate the skin around it and make it soft, toned and supple. You can also make use of Vitamin E (it is a potent antioxidants) in its liquid state, all you do is massage it on the areas around your eyes where the wrinkles are.
Another remedy is using cucumber slices that you have placed in the refrigerator for a while. This one is quite popular here in the U.S. All it entails is placing the slices of cucumber on your eyes for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Aloe vera juice is also another natural remedy that you can use to make your skin firm and it also very effective in repairing the damage that was caused by too much sun exposure all thanks to its high amount of antioxidants.
Finally you can always use eye creams that are specifically designed to deal with crow's feet, wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. Just make sure you go for products that contain effective ingredients that can boost your skin's production of Elastin and Collagen.
Mary Orlando is a health, fitness and skincare aficionado.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7847093

How To Look Younger And Live Longer The Chinese Way

In 2001, I had the good fortune to travel to China to visit police colleges to study their training methods. I was retired from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and employed by a law enforcement academy, and in that capacity I visited China. Throughout my adult life, I have been an admitted 'health nut' and was curious to learn of the Chinese diet and lifestyle since they have far lower rates of heart disease, cancer and diabetes than citizens of the western industrialized world.
While in Chongqing, a municipality of 34 million people, I had the good fortune to meet a grand master of the ancient Chinese art of rejuvenation and anti-aging, an art that had been developed centuries earlier in the Chongqing region. At first, I was unimpressed with this person, who appeared to be a beautiful young woman in her early twenties. After all, what does someone of that age know about aging and the consequences thereof? When I later learned, however, that she was forty-five years of age, my interest piqued, to say the least. I had to learn what she was doing that the rest of us are not doing... to say I had a thirst for knowledge would be a gross understatement. I ended up going to China every year for eight years and living there for five more years.
When the master visited Canada at the age of forty-nine, I took her to a casino in Niagara Falls as she had never seen a casino before. She was stopped by the security guard at the door and asked to produce her ID. The guard explained that one must be at least nineteen years old to enter the casino. We all got a good laugh about that as her son was older than the security guard.
Interestingly enough, almost all the advice we are given by researchers in the west is ignored by the master. She and her assistants/students, who also look much younger than their chronological age, all eat lots of carbohydrates and saturated fats. None of them take any vitamins or supplements whatsoever. Although they eat protein every day, their diet is primarily vegetable based, but this is also true of all Chongqing people. Unlike we in the western world, age is revered in China and to have the label 'Old' attached to their name is a great honor. People lie about their age in China, just as many people do in North America, but they profess to be older than they are, not younger.
The master stresses that looking younger is not the goal of her art, merely a by-product. The real goal is to retain the characteristics of youth as you age so your old age is as healthy, energetic and adventurous as it was when you were a young person.
This master of the ancient Chinese art of rejuvenation and anti-aging lived in a traditional region of China, very unlike Beijing and Shanghai, and she didn't believe people in the west would be interested in her knowledge. 'After all', she said, 'why would people want to look younger? Are they not proud of their age and the wisdom they have accumulated?' My skepticism was far different. I didn't think people in the western industrialized world would believe that biological aging could be slowed down or stopped without pills, potions or crèmes, since we westerners have been conditioned to believe that a pill is necessary for everything, therefore anti-aging without something to swallow, ingest or apply wouldn't make sense to the western mind. I have learned, however, that our mind can be our worst enemy or our best friend when attempting to retain the characteristics of youth.
To learn more about the book 'How to Look Younger and Live Longer: The Ancient Chinese Art of Rejuvenation', and to see photos of Tian Yong, go to:
Tian Yong is also the model on the cover of Brian Cox's spy-thriller novels entitled 'The Chinese Woman'. She is forty-five years old in that photo.
'How to Look Younger and Live Longer: The Ancient Chinese Art of Rejuvenation', by Tian Yong and Brian N. Cox is available on the Amazon Kindle Store at:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7824401

6 Foods to Beautify Yourself Naturally From the Inside-Out!

Daily juicing of fresh fruits and vegetables gives your body optimum health and an abundance of nutrients that result in glowing skin, hair and nails as well as anti-aging and energy boosting benefits. Juice fruits and vegetables with high amounts of vitamins C, E, A, K, and B complex for anti-aging and beautifying benefits. Note that juice must be fresh squeezed and consumed within 20 minutes of juicing. To benefit from juicing daily, it is more convenient and cost-effective to invest in a good juicer; some top brands are Omega 4000, Breville and Jack Lalanne.
- Juice Oranges, grape fruits, kale and spinach for Vitamin C that aids the skin in collagen production, reduces free radical damage and stimulates hair growth.
- Juice kiwis and spinach for Vitamin E to protect and repair the skin through neutralizing free radicals to prevent premature aging and damage to DNA.
- Juice carrots for Vitamin A to stimulate cell regeneration so that your skin can repair itself and produce new skin tissue.
- Juice kale For Vitamin K, which heals damaged skin and keeps hair healthy.
- Juice cucumbers, spinach and beets for Vitamin B complex to stimulate hair growth, to retain moisture in the skin and to provide the basic nutrient foundation of skin, hair, and nail cells.
MSM is an organic sulfur compound that is stored in every cell in the body, namely found in great amounts in the joints, hair, skin, and nails. Sufficient daily sulfur intake is essential for healthy and glowing hair, skin and nails, which can be easily accommodated for by a daily dosage of MSM powder! Note: always take MSM powder with Vitamin C because it enhances the effects of MSM. It is best to mix your daily dose of MSM powder with water and fresh squeezed lemon. MSM powder can be found in any natural foods store like Whole Foods.
Organic Raw Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Throw away your chemically loaded lotion and replace it with organic raw extra virgin coconut oil! Our skin, hair and nails respond happily to coconut oil, which comes 100% straight from mother earth and has many healing properties: antioxidant Vitamin E, anti-fungal, anti-oxidizing and anti-bacterial fatty acids. All properties of coconut oil work to deeply penetrate the hair, skin and nails to soften and protect against premature aging, reduce spots or acne, stimulate hair growth and restore protein and shine back into the skin, hair and nails. For optimal use choose organic, raw, extra virgin coconut oil as an all over body lotion and deep hair conditioning treatment.
In order to maintain healthy and beautiful skin, hair and nails essential fats are a must, as they allow the skin, hair and nails to retain moisture. Eating oily fish such as salmon is a great way to ensure that you get enough essential fatty acids in your diet. The fatty acids within salmon have beautifying and anti-aging effects on the skin, hair and nails. Salmon is the ultimate beauty food because salmon has large amounts of vitamin B and omega-3, a combination that particularly makes the skin glow. Salmon also improves the production of collagen, melanin and keratin in the skin, as well as improve the ability of the skin to retain water. Also, wild salmon has a high content of selenium, a mineral that is known to protect the skin from sun damage. Always buy wild salmon rather than farm-raised salmon, as wild salmon is higher in omega-3 fatty acid content and vitamin D.
Organic Flax Seed
Another essential fat that is key to beautiful skin, hair and nails is flax seed, which is composed mostly of omega-3 fatty acids that are known for its many health benefits, such as increased skin regenerating, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing properties. Flaxseed not only rejuvenations your skin, it protects your skin, especially when using flax oil topically, locking in your skin's moisture and keeping irritants out of your pores. Ultimately, flaxseed works to give your skin, hair and nails an amazingly glowing and healthier skin tone. Flaxseed should be consumed daily or applied topically in order to maintain beautiful skin, hair and nails and minimize the effects of aging. Choose organic flax seed always. You can rub plain flax seed oil gently into your skin or eat flax seeds on a daily basis by adding them to your main dishes prior to serving, use them as a topping or snack on them.
Raw Cacao Powder
Cacao is known as the 'food of the gods', it is a raw unprocessed form of chocolate that comes from cacao beans that are then ground into a raw powder for various uses. The beautifying effects and health benefits of cacao powder are wide-ranging, including a surplus of antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals like Magnesium, calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, protein, Fiber, Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B9, and E. These properties neutralize free radicals due to their high levels of antioxidants, protecting the skin from premature aging. The components of cacao, such as theobromine, enhance physical and mental well being by improving the mood and combating depression. Always use raw cacao powder. To easily incorporate into your daily life add cacao powder to your morning smoothie or apply topically as a face mask
Incorporating each of these natural beauty foods into your everyday life will without a doubt improve your appearance and simultaneously improve your mood and health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7838611

We Do Have A Genetic Time Clock!

If you could find out how much longer you are going to live would you? This is an age old question, how long am I going to live? Do you believe we have a predetermined time on this planet? Is there a way we can determine how much longer we have, or when our, 'time' is? Thanks to science and genetic research we can actually come pretty close to answering these questions.
We have learned that there are little genetic time clocks at the end of our DNA called telomeres. These little caps help protect the DNA and act like the plastic cap on the end of your tennis shoelace keeping it from fraying. These telomeres come in pairs and upon conception we have around 15,000 of them. Once we are born we are down to 10,000 pairs thanks to all the cellular replication it takes to make a baby, and when we burn through half of those that we have left and get near the 5,000 mark... well, lights out!
Some very specific labs can actually test and tell you your genetic age by analyzing these little telomere pairs, if you dare to know. The question becomes, 'is the rate that we go through those vital 5,000 pairs of telomeres set in stone?' The answer is NO. Can we actually change the pace at which we go through these telomeres and actually slow down the process? The answer is YES! Even if you were to go and get you genetic age tested, and it turns out you are 15 years older genetically than your age, the show is not over.
As it turns out, the way you live your life and your health status, along with the choices we make can actually prove to be difference. STRESS, whether physical, mental or chemical will add to what is called our allostatic load. Basically, our stress level. Stress is a real thing even if people have a hard time quantifying it, testing it, or reducing it. Oxidation is the process that beats us down on a cellular and genetic level that comes from this stress. This oxidative stress wears down our systems, produces free radicals, inflammation, and toxicity. All of which will age you faster than your years, trigger disease states and conditions, and burn through those precious little telomeres.
This fantastic piece of information either liberates people and gives them hope, or it scares them into a depression. We look at it as an opportunity to play a larger role in our destiny. Not only a chance to add some years to our life, but some life to the years we have left. The key is healthy living. For others the idea of responsibility for our life, health and even how long we live is too much to bear, never mind the concept of making life changes to effectively turn it around.
The truth is we chose our destiny and future with every choice we make in each moment. If you are not actively working to improve your health you will be passively losing it. The game is stacked against us unfortunately. We live in a very stressful world, full of chemicals and toxins, eating fake processed foods, not getting enough exercise and very little out there to help us actually reduce our stress. Fortunately there are programs and systems out there to do just that, but the person has to be one of those people who are relieved they play a role in their health and future and not the one who ignores it. We will even take the middle of the road people out there, but the key is having the desire to make a change and seeing the value in the time, money, and effort you will be putting out to get there.
Ultimately it is up to you. Get your family and people close to you together and make a plan based on your values. Set some goals and start to put your team together. Our team consists of a nutritionist, trainer, chiropractor, natural minded medical doctor, and so forth. You never want to have to argue with your health care team or feel you cannot discuss any topic of interest with them. You personal team is number one but your professional team is a close second. So choose wisely!
Go to Free Consult today and fill out the contact form. Put FREE MEET AND GREET in the message box and claim one of our 30 free strategy meet and greet phone or skype sessions with Dr. Clum we are offering to Ezine readers. This is the perfect time for questions and checking out how we could help you with your health concerns. There is not obligation and you can enjoy this consult from the comfort of your home.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7838860

All The Benefits Of Getting Older, With None Of The Skin Problems

As you get older, you experience a few perks: more respect, greater life experiences, and perhaps a little wisdom too. Unfortunately, there is also a downside: your skin starts to show all that life experience, right on your forehead, and around your eyes, and across your cheeks. Here are a few ways that getting older is great, and ways you can experience that greatness without having to look like you're getting older.
More Respect.
You've kicked butt in the boardroom, PTA and community. You've commanded the respect of the community leaders, your bosses, and your family because of your accomplishments, work ethic and dependability. But all those years of hard work has left your formerly firm skin a little lacking. If you've noticed new wrinkles and fine lines over the last few years, your skin could benefit from the use of a few anti wrinkle products. A wrinkle reducer cream can fill in fine lines and help smooth out wrinkles to make your skin look more youthful.
Greater Knowledge.
As the years have passed, you've acquired plenty of smarts. Whether you've gone back to school or have spent lots of time reading, the more years you've got under your belt, the more opportunities for learning you've had. But of course, if you're taking classes or attending seminars, you know there's a greater risk for stress, which can cause worry lines and wrinkles. If fine lines are your nemesis, start using natural beauty products to help hydrate your skin and fill in those lines. The natural ingredients will keep your skin looking dewy and firm.
Time to Explore.
With retirement comes a whole new world of opportunity. Without your days filled up with meetings and presentations, playing chauffer and getting the kids to do their homework, suddenly you have all the time in the world to go play and explore the world around you. Whether that means traveling to grand new places or picking up a hobby that interests you right in your hometown, you have the time to breathe and experience things that your previous life might have prevented you from experiencing. Those things can make you feel much younger than you are, so what are you doing with all those wrinkles? It's time for some wrinkle removal, which is much easier than it sounds. All you need is a wrinkle remover cream from a good line of anti wrinkle products, and the cream will smooth and firm skin to make you look years younger.
You may have earned every fine line and wrinkle on your face, but that doesn't mean you want to show them off! A simple regimen of natural beauty products can help prevent future wrinkles and keep the current ones at bay.
Use organic & natural beauty products for firm skin! Wrinkless Cream provides one of the best anti-aging solutions with our wrinkle reducer products which are able to make your skin firm for long terms perspectives.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7849568

Exercise Techniques For Staying Younger As You Age

There are many exercise techniques targeted for various goals such as gaining strength and mass, losing weight and staying fit as we age. This article looks at the last type.
There is an issue with endurance training - such as staying on a tread mill in the fat-burning zone for 30 minutes - if your intention is to exercise for an anti aging benefit (rather than only burning fat, for example). Exercise literature has shown that this type of aerobic training is not the best option for both weight loss and aging in a healthier way. The reason is that they are not designed to promote your body's natural production of growth hormone that will actually make us age more slowly.
So what type of exercise should you use? It's called interval or burst training and it is proven to maximize health and fitness levels as we age more so than things like paced aerobic training can.
Science has proven that it triggers our body's healing response which allows cells to regenerate more efficiently causing tissue to grow stronger. If you're interested in getting rid of some extra fat, interval training has be shown to burn 3 times as much fat as slower aerobic activities.
Basically it is the opposite of endurance training and it drastically lowers the time it will take you to improve your fitness level.
How does it work? For shorter periods, such as 30 - 60 seconds, you are exercising vigorously - raising your pulse to near its safe maximum level. This, for those who consider themselves to be very out of shape could be as simple as walking up a set of stairs two times. At the top if you have an elevated heart rate and are breathing more deeply you've just completed a successful burst train.
Ideally, you would repeat this short routine 3 - 4 times with no more than about a 3 minute rest period between sets. This will give your heart rate a chance to lower but you'll want it to also remain slightly elevated as you continue into your next set.
Why is this known to work? Exercise research indicates that whatever you're burning during an exercise routine you burn the opposite of for up to 36 hours afterwards. So, if you focus on exercises that burn sugar, your body will tend to metabolize more fats for the next day and a half.
Why does this happen? This type of short, yet highly intensive interval training is known to elevate levels of growth hormone and testosterone. These are the two best, natural hormones your body can produce to help you slow down your body's biological aging clock.
Here's a quick routine that anyone can do in their home.
All you need are 2 dumbbells. While holding them by your sides do repetitive squats and when you rise continue lifting the weights to a point just above your head. You can start with even 5 pound weights, moving progressively upwards in weight as you feel stronger. When you first try this routine if you're really out of shape you should feel winded within 60 seconds. The key is to stop when you feel your heart rate has elevated and your finding it slightly more difficult to breathe.
You should also notice a lactic acid burn when exercising this way.
Before repeating the next set make sure you rest to the point where you've got your breathe back. Then just repeat for another 60 seconds or so and rest again for 2 - 3 minutes. The entire routine should take you no more than about 12 - 15 minutes. That's it. You don't even need to do this on a daily basis. Studies indicate that doing this exercise every second day actually provides more health benefit than doing it daily. What you want to do here is really boost your growth hormone cycle.
There are other strength building exercises that you can do on your in-between days - for your biceps, triceps, abs and calves that won't interrupt this cycle from occurring.
Resistance training. This is also a form of interval or burst training that is known to raise hormone levels that will help us to age more slowly. You can eventually add resistive training to the same days that you do your burst training. Again, on your off days you would only work smaller muscles. The resistance training would include your larger muscle groups such as chest, back and thighs.
Many people may not even need this additional step of resistance training to increase hormone levels, even using the dumbbells every second day is known to lead to large percentage gains in strength, increased growth hormone levels, improvements to the immune system, improved recovery times, higher testosterone levels and better overall feelings of well being.
Read our blog articles on healthy aging and more about great skin care at Rivestra Verde.
You'll find info on Pevonia Botanical and B Kamins.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7844984

Uses and Side Effects of Botox Treatment

Botox is a trade name used for neurotoxin protein called botulinum toxin. This toxin is produced by bacterium Clostridium botulinum. If taken in large doses, this toxin might lead to botulism, which is a rare type of paralytic illness often linked with food poisoning. This protein has recently found its use in cosmetics. It finds its use in treating the fine lines, wrinkles, lazy eyes, and facial ceases. This treatment process uses a diluted form of the toxin to bring controlled weakness of the muscles so that the wrinkles and other facial lines do not increase.
Different types of botulinum toxin products are available with toxin A or B. These toxin products have different uses like treating eye problems, migraines, muscle spasms, cosmetic, overactive bladder, etc. The amount of medication delivered depends largely on the type of brand you are using. Talk to your doctor to choose the right type of product for Botox treatment. Botulinum toxin has various uses. It treats eye disorders like crossed eyes and uncontrolled blinking, reduces the cosmetic appearance of wrinkles, prevents headaches in people suffering from frequent migraines. It blocks the release of a chemical called acetylcholine and thus relaxes muscles.
Patients who do not respond to other medicines or cannot tolerate the side effects caused by those medicines can use botulinum toxin to treat overactive bladder. It also treats people who are suffering from some type of urination problems like frequent urination, leaking or urine and similar issues. If you suffer from severe sweating in your underarm, you can benefit from this treatment process. This toxin blocks the chemicals that excite the sweat glands to release sweat. However, make sure that botulinum is not a cure and the symptoms of the diseases returns back as the effect of the medication slows down.
Side Effects
One primary aspect related with the side effects of this medication is that it occurs at the site where the botulinum toxin is injected. Redness in that area, infection, bruising, and pain at the site where it was injected are some of the common side effects. Pain, nausea, dizziness, difficulty in swallowing food, respiratory tract infection like cold and flu, muscle weakness, etc. might also be observed after treatment through botox. Some individuals experience double vision, swollen or drooping eyelids, dry eyes, eye irritation, tearing, reduced blinking and increased sensitivity to light. If you have gone through Botox treatment and are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you must contact your doctor as soon as possible. In case of eye infections, you might need to use protective eye drops, eye patches or other treatments.
When the patients of migraine use this medicine, they may suffer from headaches, neck pain and drooping eyelid as side effects. Patients with excessive sweating and who use this medicine might come across side effects such as no underarm sweating, respiratory infections like cold and flu, fever, headache, anxiety, neck pain and back pain. Treating overactive bladder through this process may lead to urinary tract infections, painful urination, fever, and difficulty in urination. If you received Botox treatment and any of the above-mentioned symptoms occur, talk to your doctor immediately.
To know about botox types and wand more in details visit http://agein.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7841989

10 Homemade Remedies For Glowing Skin

Beautiful skin comes from within. We can use the most expensive products, but if we don't take care of our bodies and eat terribly unhealthy food everyday, then it will show up immediately in our skin.
Unhealthy habits can cause dull skin, dark circles, puffy eyes, breakouts and prematurely aged skin just to name a few. Use the below tips all together for the ultimate homemade remedy for glowing skin.
1. Drink warm water with lemon everyday to keep your skin youthful. Dr Oz says that drinking lemon water everyday will keep our skin looking young and even prevent wrinkles.
2. Take a Vitamin C (timed release is best) supplement everyday to keep skin firm and plump and to prevent inflammation. Vitamin C stimulates collagen production. The first sign of a lack of collagen is sagging skin so take your vitamins!
3. Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep a night. It's quality of sleep over quantity as Dr Murad explains, 'While cells repair and rebuild at all stages of sleep, the majority of cell turnover and regeneration occurs during deep REM [rapid eye movement] sleep.'
4. Take an Omega 3 supplement or add some flaxseed to yogurt or oats for a glow that rivals even J-Lo's!
5. Okay so we all know this, but I will remind you again. Drink at least 2L of water a day. Water flushes out toxins and keeps our skin hydrated resulting in healthy, clear skin.
6. Cut back on greasy fried foods. So limit that burger and fries for your cheat day only! It's been proven that there is a link between fried food and prematurely aging skin.
7. Include poly-phenol rich foods like blueberries in your diet. These keep skin young and beautiful!
8. Always apply moisturizer in an upwards motion to prevent saggy skin later on in life. Also don't forget your neck, apply the moisturizer in an upward motion.
9. Would you like a nice, flushed look? Try this! Lay on your bed with your head over the side of it so your blood rushes to your face. Stay like this for just a few seconds. Sounds weird but works!
10. Last but not least, be sure to remove your makeup every night! A great tip is to keep some makeup remover wipes next to your bed so you can remove your makeup quickly if you have a late night.
If you'd like more tips for healthy skin, hair, and body, visit the authors blog at TotallyTamryn.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7841048

Lifting Creams And How They Make You Look Younger

One of the reasons that Botox injections have become so popular as a cosmetic procedure in recent years is that for those who think they 'need' to have work done, Botox can help delay the desire to undergo true plastic surgery. Its miraculous lifting effects and minimal recovery time make Botox injections an easy answer. It's also popular because instead of undergoing transformational surgery that changes your face and its appearance, many people just want to give their faces a little lift without any of the evasiveness. But for those who want lifted skin and don't want Botox injections poked into their faces, the best option for firming the complexion naturally is a lifting anti-wrinkle cream. Using an anti aging wrinkle cream helps with how to look younger without having to resort to any type of medical procedure. Here are a few ways that using a lifting cream can help give you a more youthful complexion.
They Hide Fine Lines
First, using an anti-wrinkle cream from a natural skin care line helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The hydration in an anti aging wrinkle cream allows skin cells to appear full and healthy, which helps skin appear fuller so fine lines aren't as visible. Natural skin care is a great alternative to Botox injections, with similar results (minus the facial paralysis!). In addition, if you use an anti-wrinkle cream that contains alpha hydroxy acids, the cream helps reveal new skin cells that are in better shape than those on the surface of the skin.
They Keep Your Face Firm
Second, using an anti aging wrinkle cream helps with how to look younger by keeping the complexion firm and taut. As skin ages, it begins to thin out, and gravity begins to haul it downward. Using a lifting cream helps prevent the effects of gravity by keeping your epidermis moist and supple; hydrated skin is able to produce collagen better, so skin is able to bounce back more easily.
They Lift You Up
Now that your beautiful face is visibly without wrinkles, and the complexion is firm and taut, your face appears lifted and brighter without having to undergo any facelifts or other cosmetic procedures. But you need to be careful to choose the proper products, because not all lifting creams are created equal. When choosing an anti-wrinkle cream, look for one that encourages natural skin care through natural or organic ingredients, and that doesn't contain chemicals that can dry out your complexion, such as alcohols and parabens. Good lifting creams should contain antioxidants such as fruit or plant extracts, fruit acids, and vitamins to keep the skin healthy.
If you have wonders on how to look youngeror you're thinking, I look old, there are certain things you can do to move into the direction of looking younger. Wrinkless Cream has ultimate collections of anti aging wrinkle cream.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7858139

Ageing In Style

Most women and some men have problems with ageing. They are afraid of losing the good qualities they have while they're young. But ageing is a reality that can hardly be evaded.
And this is not solely a problem for those who are already in the process of ageing. Once you hit early twenties you will already feel all the growing old problems including the problem with ageing. You will feel less energy than what you had in your youth and you will also start seeing the visual signs of ageing. The signs usually start in the face and go down to the neck. It just happens and you wake up one day looking a lot older than before.
But there are certain ways for you to age gracefully. Aside from resorting to surgical procedures, there are a lot more things you can do in order to stay young.
Here are a few examples of these things:
Eat right
Your diet has a great influence on your looks. If you want to stay young, you have to start eating right. Eating regular balanced meals is essential to give your cells the proper nourishment for regeneration. Healthy choices such as fruits and vegetables can also help supply essential nutrients and flush out toxins that contribute to ageing.
Take proper nourishment
Aside from what you eat, taking supplements can also help you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Specifically, there are supplements like kollagen intensiv which are designed to deal with your problems in ageing. Just make sure that you read on kollagen intensive reviews to check if it's safe for you to use the product. Check out possible side effects or precautions that you need to take if you decide to use the prouct.
Exercise can give you a lot of benefits. First up, you become fit and healthy. You also get to burn off those fat build ups which are due to ageing. But another important thing gained from exercise is eliciting hormones which make you feel young. If you exercise you feel stronger and younger. When you sweat during exercise it's not only the fats that you burn, you also flush out toxins that contribute to ageing.
Keep a healthy mind
Above all; you have to keep your mind healthy. By this it means that you should be mentally and emotionally stable. Don't stress yourself too much but avoid being stagnant too. Have fun living and enjoying your life.
This article gives tips on how to prevent ageing. If you want more information about get rid of wrinkles and how to age gracefully, please follow here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7852821

Non Surgical Options For Skin Tighting and Rejuvenation

In the cosmetic industry, skin tightening and facial rejuvenation are some of the most important aspects of anti-aging. But surgical procedures like a face lift entails risks that can be avoided with non invasive alternatives like Thermage or Fraxel. These are two very different systems but each offers benefits depending on the needs of the individual.
The use of radio frequency is most popularly associated with Thermage, the specific brand name of a particular treatment system. The exposure to a very specific wave length of radio frequency emitted by the Thermage device causes the collagen under the skin to contract.
It also stimulates increased circulation and the development of new skin cells for healthy looking skin. It offers a non invasive face lift alternative for patients that want to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, tighten loose skin around the face and neck, or soften acne scars.
Unlike laser treatment, using radio frequency allows Thermage to treatment patients of any tone or type of skin. Fraxel CO2 laser offers a way to rejuvenate skin and heal scars or reduce visible wrinkles. It is different from the radio frequency treatment system in that it does not reach the deeper layers of the skin.
Instead, it uses the laser to cause damage to skin cells in tiny isolated areas. The body will attempt to not only repair and replace the damaged cells but also the cells surrounding them. After the old cells have been replaced by healthier young skin cells the texture is smoother and lines will disappear.
Both of these treatments can be used for more than just facial skin. Thermage is an effective way to achieve non surgical body skin tightening and Fraxel offers a way to rejuvenate the surface of the skin.
This is a modified version of traditional Mesotherapy to be more effective at targeting fat cells under the skin. A specially formulated chemical compound is injected directly into the area where treatment is desired and the solution reacts with fat tissue to breakdown and remove fat in the area.
The small amount of fat that is removed creates a vacuum that forces the skin to contract and thereby creates a tighter and more youthful appearance. Lipotherapy is a little more invasive than Thermage or Fraxel because there is a needle penetrating the surface of the skin making it a minimally invasive as opposed to a completely non-invasive treatment.
Each system has its advantages and limitations so it is a good idea to talk to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon in your area about the risks and benefits of each to determine what is best for your particular needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7857715

Five Tips to Achieve Healthy and Young Looking Skin

A lot of people think that maintaining your skin's youthfulness is something that is hard and not to mention, expensive to do. Contrary to this popular belief, you can actually achieve a healthy and young looking skin without breaking a hole in your pocket. Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices are all you need to slow down your skin's natural ageing process. It is never too late to start taking care of your skin. So here are some no nonsense tips that you can do to get started.
1. Protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
One of the top culprits of premature skin ageing is unprotected exposure to the sun. Sun worshippers, beware. Sun damage is cumulative so every time you expose your skin to the sun unprotected, your rate of developing wrinkles, age spots, and skin discolorations would be much higher and not to mention, much faster. To protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun, it's very important to wear sunscreen every time you are going out. It is very important though to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 to get the most benefits. A non broad spectrum sunscreen just won't cut it. It's also good to wear protective clothing and accessories especially if you are staying out for long periods of time outside. Avoiding the sun when it's rays are the strongest is still the best, but if you can't just make sure to stay protected and reapply your sunscreen every two hours especially if you're doing outdoor activities.
2. Do not smoke.
Smoking is a vice that benefits no one. Apart from putting your health at risk, smoking can also make you much more older than you actually are. Every puff of that stick narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, which in effect significantly decreases the flow of blood. As we all know, the blood supplies our body with the essential nutrients that it needs. A decrease in blood flow can deplete the skin of all the oxygen and nutrients that is important to maintain healthy looking skin. It damages collagen and elastin, which are the two important fibers that give the skin its elasticity and suppleness. Without it, lines on your face would be much more pronounced and you'll have an overall sullen aura which is not attractive at all. Do your skin a favor and quit smoking before it's too late.
3. Treat your skin with TLC.
Daily cleansing and moisturising are essential to achieving healthy and young looking skin. It removes trapped dirt and oil from your pores and helps keep your skin supple and well hydrated. It's very important though to use products that suit your skin type. Avoid strong soaps and facial products that strip away your skin's natural oils and instead, use mild cleansers. Go au natural if possible. It's also good to indulge in monthly facial skin treatments to keep your skin in tip top shape.
4. Eat healthy.
What you put inside your body can definitely reflect on the outside. If you eat a lot of junk food and processed food, your skin would look unhealthy, dull and not to mention oily. A healthy diet can help you look your best. Fruits, vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats can all help promote a healthy and young looking skin. Your skin will look more glowing, radiant and you'll have that natural healthy flush on your cheeks which is so cute.
5. Keep your stress levels to a minimum.
Unknown to many, stress can actually make your skin more sensitive and trigger a slew of skin problems. It's very important to manage your stress to encourage healthy skin. Take time to do the things you love and enjoy doing and you'll see after a while, you'll look more rested and renewed.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7860289