Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A Double-Dare!

When was the last time you did something just for the heck of it - extracted the goodness from the moment: acted spontaneously? According to Germain Greer, 'The essence of pleasure is spontaneity'.
Some people go through their lives believing that tomorrow will be better than today. Others think that yesterday was a lot better than today. Both groups eventually come to realise that John Lennon was close to the mark when he philosophised that life is what happens to us when we're busy making other plans. It doesn't matter much whether you're an adopter or adapter, life's over before you know it.
Acting spontaneously could be a good idea. Probably one of the most quoted poems capturing regrets for a life too prudently lived and lacking spontaneity is 'I'd Pick More Daisies'. The poem has been translated into many languages and is attributed to many different authors. The only thing that there is agreement about is that whomever wrote it was 80+.
I'd like to reproduce the poem for you, but that would not find favour with they who must be obeyed. The key message is not to wait until it's too late to act spontaneously to do something just for the heck of it.
If it's so, that one day our life will flash before our eyes, make sure that what we'll see is worth watching.
Our search for work-life balance must start with us: no one else can do it for us. The time is now to bite the bullet and take control of our life. Failure to sit in the driver's seat of our life will see someone else will be eager to do that for us.
Dr Neil Flanagan is a conference and keynote presenter. You can have your say about anything in this article by going to http://www.neil.com.au

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8319374