Tuesday, January 9, 2018

How Do I Age Gracefully?

The simple answer is... by STAYING ACTIVE.
Baby boomers who exercise on a regular basis experience better health overall, enjoy life more and are much more able to fight life-threatening diseases more effectively than those who don't exercise at all.
To be able to age gracefully, it is most important to remain active. A solid exercise program done on a regular basis will help you to maintain your health and fight off the effects of aging.
As humans age, we experience new health problems.
The metabolism slows, joints become stiffer, and bone loss occurs. Without a regular exercise program, muscle is lost, heart and lung problems develop, and there is less endurance.
While it would be nice if there were a quick fix such as a pill or an injection to halt the aging process, the truth is that a regular exercise program is the only way to keep ourselves healthy and heighten our feelings of well-being.
All of us have things we love to do and everyone wants to remain independent as long as possible so a well-thought out and professionally planned regular exercise program will benefit us in these endeavours. Even if you are extremely out of shape, it is never too late to start an exercise program. Just try some simple exercises and build up slowly.
You will begin to feel better and your life will become more enjoyable. In other words - it will be a new you!
Start out with stretching exercises. They are simple to do and can even be done while sitting in a chair. Stretching has a positive effect on both your muscles and your joints.
Make sure you choose stretches that will work on different muscle groups. Target your back, calves, thighs, arms, chest and stomach and make a point not to overdo it. You can find plenty of free programs on the internet to get you started safely but if you are not confident doing it all by yourself then employ the services of a personal trainer to get you started.
Endurance exercises provide great benefits to seniors as well. Regular activities such as gardening, swimming, biking, and walking make it simple to work into your daily routine.
The idea is to gradually increase your heart rate but not work so hard that you are unable to talk. Regular exercise that keeps your cardiovascular system moving will deliver great benefits.
It is impossible to overestimate the effects of strength training. Strong muscles increase your metabolic levels and help with weight maintenance while keeping blood sugar levels within an acceptable range. They also have a positive effect on bone density. You can use household items such as books or food cans to build strength or work out on a weight machine at a local gym.
Back problems are endemic among the baby boomer brigade. Exercises designed to strengthen your back will eliminate excruciating back pain and reduce the need for medical or surgical interventions. Your doctor can help you identify good exercises to stretch and strengthen your back. A trip to a personal trainer can also get you started in the right direction.
Problems with balance are a real dilemma because falls can lead to complications such as broken hips. Unfortunately, more than 400,000 people are hospitalized each year after they broke their hip during a fall and most of these patients were senior citizens. Exercises specifically designed to build leg muscles and increase your sense of balance will greatly reduce the likelihood of you having a fall.
These are just a few of the tips that will help you age more gracefully and benefit you on the path to having a healthy and enjoyable older age.
Baby boomer and author John Falkinder is Founder of SteamTrainFitness and specializes in Active Ageing for over 60s. Find out more about anti-ageing and the benefits of some simple regular exercise: http://www.steamtrainfitness.com/fitness-exercise/can-find-anti-ageing-exercises/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8330603